Johnny Depp poured himself a mega pint because he thought it necessary.
by BananaGoblin April 23, 2022
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An impromptu pint of beer, unplanned and executed in between or after existing obligations, the having of which is often later denied.

'Pint' is often substituted with the intended volume of Cheekys to be consumed, or dropped completely when used in an informal, familiar environment.
Fancy a Cheeky Pint?

Let's go for a Cheeky.

It's 3 o'clock, time for a Cheeky Six.

by Tumeke Jones September 9, 2008
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Firstly, if you don’t know what a red pint is you need to seek help immediately.

A red pint is a mouth-wateringly flavoursome beverage consisting of Strongbow and a generous dash of blackcurrant cordial. It is 4.5% ABV and is best served cold in a pint glass. The art of a perfect red pint is something so few can master, but once it’s mastered, your tastebuds will be doing backflips. Equally, a perfect red pint is also only recognised by seasoned red pint connoisseurs who have drunk over a million in their lifetime.
Customer - Hey Beth barmaid, please can you pour me a perfect ‘red pint’ just how I like it?

Beth - it would be my pleasure!
by Red Pint Drinker December 25, 2021
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Pint which typically consist of all the most disgusting shots the bar has to offer, mixed with half a pint of bitter. Usually given to the birthday boy/girl to down as a birthday 'treat'.
A Dirty Pint could consist of:
5 shots of Bell's whisky
3 shots of Gordon's gin
2 shots of sambuca
2 shots of tequila
2 shots of apple sour
Half a pint of Guiness.
by Scott_000 June 29, 2006
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The amount of wine Johnny Depp allegedly drank during one evening. (John Depp v. Amber Heard trial)
Lawyer Rottenborn: "You poured yourself a mega pint of red wine, correct?"
Johnny: "A mega pint? I poured myself a large glass of wine. I thought it necessary."
by Depp fan April 25, 2022
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A very large glass of Red Wine. Commonly known to be Johnny Depp’s method of measuring his drinks.
You poured yourself a mega pint of red wine.
by JKJ22 April 25, 2022
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