The insertion of candies ( preferably small, but you can break a large piece or candy bar to small candy pieces) into someone's rectum, then inserting an egg beater into that rectum and begin to use until content within the rectum is creamy. Then remove egg beater put on surgical gloves on to pull out contents from the rectum and commence to eat ( McFlurry spoon optional)
Jane Doe got a Kenyan McFlurry and now she can't eat at McDonald's without having a pain in her ass and saying the safety word,"Hamburglar"
by Dr. Pepper Jr. December 6, 2010
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After eating McDonalds and realize you are going to have the runs so you grab a fan and squeeze a loose shit through it creating a "feces flurry" that somewhat resembles a snow flurry except that it's brown. Extra points if you are able to unleash your Dirty McFlurry on your sleeping partner.
Dude, I had a Big Mac before heading home and woke up in the middle of the night about to shit the bed. Had just enough time to grab the fan and give that chick a Dirty Mcflurry...
by Jammmmmmmz April 12, 2019
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DEF 1: The act of having a nutsack inside of your mcdonalds mcflurry

DEF 2: sex position- to put ice cream on your balls with a choice of either oreos or M&Ms. then your partners eats it off
cashier: hey, welcome to mcdonalds. Can i take your order?
customer: ummmmm... ill take a double cheese burger and and nutsack mcflurry. extra nutsack please?
cashier: okay you total is 4.79 sir. thankyou

Girl: oh baby let me have that nutsack mcflurry
Guy: do you want M&Ms or Oreos
Girl: surprise me baby
(guy comes back with oreos and icecream on his nutsack)
Guy: hows that nutsack mcflurry
Girl: ohh babeee its soo good.
by gangsta nig June 6, 2008
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When a white woman sucks a black cock or vice versa when a black women sucks a white cock.
Man, I did the Oreo McFlurry, I creamed all over her face.
by AN0SEater March 22, 2020
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It refers to the occurrence of loose bowel movements, more commonly known as Diarrhea.
Possible uses of the phrase include:
"Damn. I think that bunbao just gave me a Chinese McFlurry."
"I feel a Chinese McFlurry brewing."
"after your friend offers you suspicious food products No thanks. I've already had two Chinese McFlurries this week."
by swaglord15 December 29, 2012
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While at mcdonalds with your girl, order a mcflurry, drink it as fast as you can and then puke it up on your chick, smack her across the face with your dick and tackle her into the ball pit with all the little kids. Then proceed to fuck the shit outta her while licking the mcflurry off. Right as your about to bust a nut, whip your Big Mac out and squirt her in the chest while screaming "WHOS RONALD MCDONALD BITCH!" she follows up with "YOU ARE, YOU ARE!" After all the mayhem exit through the drive thru window while not speaking a word to anyone.
Daniel: Hell yea i did, bitch loved that shit
by Longo January 18, 2008
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