The BEST football team in the world!!(football not soccer!!)
More history than any other team will ever have in the premier league!
by c.ronaldo777777 March 4, 2006
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A soccer team that fully dominates all others.
Manchester United beat Arsenal for the 564th game in a row this season, wow Arsenal blows cock.
by Stephan Scantum May 30, 2005
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The best football team in the world!!! They have the biggest and best stadium in England and also have the best players.
by jack_1994 September 30, 2006
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the best football team in the world!!! also with the best players
manchester united beat chelsea in the champions league final!!
by lizizawsum May 30, 2008
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Person 1: who is your favourite manchester united player?
Person 2: no one, they all are rubbish
by Rubbishfootballers March 19, 2021
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a group of football fans, supporting the team manchester united. unfortunatly the majority of there support comes from countries outside of the uk, milions of miles away from old trafford. many can be found buying the latest kit and declaring there love for the the team, despite lacking the ability to point out manchester on a map. real man u fans generally hate there foriegn cousins, however they are now the majority, which leads to many a footy fan to hate man united all together.
manchester united fans are the fools in front of the telly that dont know anything about football.
by chelsea for lyf<cfc> July 27, 2008
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