Louis is a sweet and caring boy. He is very handsome but he is not cocky. Louis is very athletic and completes in sports at a high level. Louis has many friends that are girls but he loves to hang out with the guys. Louis may have some trouble talking to people because he is shy. But, once he opens up to you he will be your best friend.
by Tennis1414 May 7, 2018
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A commonly short man but with a tall donkey penis, is loud stupid and funny but with a massive dick. Mostly a good cook with a giant shlong.
If your looking to get dicked down, get you a Louis.
by Big cockarooni December 26, 2016
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The name Louis


a Louis is a person that hates going to school in the case the castle school

quite intelligent but prefer to be doing better things than studying

He is quite sporty playing multiple sports he loves to spend time w his friends and ghees which are both lads and girls
He is the gaming type who loves to play w his ghees and friends and will stay up on nights just to play w them He has a few close friends which he hopes to be for years to come he is quite romantic and treasures all of the best opptunities however when he likes a girl a lot he can’t seem to let go of her cause he loves her a lot he will try all he can to get her back as he loves her so much

Louis is a comforting person he comforts u when ur down but he needs the same from u when he’s in dark times

But u are very lucky if u have a Louis in ur life
Guy1: wagwan louis

Guy2: ya wassup
Louis: nothin wat bout u?
Guy1:parents shouting 😔
Louis:bruv Dw I’m sure everything will be ok soon
by Itsyaboiloulou January 4, 2019
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Louis is a person that is very funny. he’s very good at Spanish. Louis is great at pulling girls. And he’s on the varsity football team. Louis is a person you love or hate.
by Ren bosy September 12, 2022
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Person 1: Oh look, here comes Carlee
Person 2: Wait, Louis is coming
Person 1: Louis is much better than Carlee
Person 2: Yeah, I agree
by hello0102973 October 16, 2021
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An extremely loud asshole who thinks NASCAR is a sport.
Person 1: Can you not be a Louis?

Person 2: NOPE! *screams*
by krakkenreviews November 14, 2019
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