A very konfused Klanman
uh oh it's the klueless klux klan
by fartbutt2x August 23, 2004
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A term originating on Clubhouse, it refers to an extremist sect of the black feminism movement who harbor anti- heterosexual Black male sentiments. Born out of the divestment movement, they espouse white supremacist rhetoric by describing Black men as "bullet bags", "dusties", or that "straight Black men are the White men of the Black Community". They promote aborting Black male fetuses and marrying outside their race to prevent the birth of Black males.
I tried to respond but the Ku Klux Keishas kept muting me and saying they won't date "bullet bags"
by Wuhrdsmyth November 17, 2022
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1. A short character on "The Hitcher" episode of The Mighty Boosh Series 1.

2. A member of the "Animal Offenders" prison which features the Nazi turtle ("a fresh-water fascist for all the family"), the Ku Klux goose and Trevor Robinson, a shire horse with over 37 unpaid parking tickets.

3. A goose that takes offense from anybody who is in an ethnic minority (blacks, asians, chinks, etc.)
A Klu Klux Goose!
by scottysullivan October 4, 2006
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A KKK member, but a Crip at the same time. Doesn't make much sense does it?
Ku Klux Krips hate themselves
by JTheG April 18, 2008
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A group of racist whites.

Too dumb to walk and chew gun at the same time!
"Look der Bubba a nigger!", says Jerry Ray as he plows his mudd diggin 4x4 into a ditch because his simple mind can not drive and see a black at the same time!
by Chauncee Irving January 18, 2005
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People who think that think any day is good for Halloween, and don't leave you alone even if you give them candy.
That's the same stupid ghost costume you wore last year! Try something a little more original this time!
by Killing Kittens November 3, 2004
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It's Ku Klux Klan but hey.

an extremely racist group of cowardly people who are homophobic, negrophobic and just plain scared of everyone but white people.
anyone who praises them is an ignorant, arrogant idiot and should take a look at themselves.
ku klux klan is a terrorist organization and its members are one of the biggest threats to national safety.
by yeah June 27, 2003
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