He will kill you if you touch his girl
Im scared of kenny, hes going to kick my ass
by Pizzanigga49 January 6, 2018
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Kenny is a kind of weird person never know what’s going on in that nutshell of a head. Hope some day he’s properly treated!
by GioTheReo November 30, 2018
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A man who:
1) Is slow at any given task, job or life.
2) Either through inaction or action will, either slightly or drastically, inconvenience others.
3) Does not care about his job.

1) A Kenny does not necessarily need to possess the name Kenny. A Kenny can appear anywhere, and can be anyone. A common hobo, your Dad, the pope, the kid across the street who rides the short bus, or the guy who serves you food.
2) A Kenny can be female, but if and only if she slightly resembles a man and/or has a mustache (fake mustaches are included in this definition)
Guy 1: Are you waiting in this lunch line?
Guy 2: Yeah. Just ordered a burger. Why?
Guy 1: Dude, Kenny is working this line. Why would you do this to yourself?
Guy 2: So? Hes just the lunch guy. Whats so bad about him?
Guy 1: You sad, naive, ignorant slut. See you in 20 years.

~20 years later~

Guy 2: Where the fuck is my food?
by cpdf98 April 4, 2018
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A retarded freak who throws chairs very very special in the head
Girl 1: wow look at that retard, what a Kenny!
by Gayfagtard69 July 7, 2019
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Kenny is just the coolest guy you will ever meet. He is one of the coolest funniest and most adoring person you will ever come across. He can make any girl instantly fall in love with him. If you ever come across a Kenny you should never let him go because he will take you far in life.
KG: Who is that guy he is so cool and funny, I feel like I have instantly fallen in love with him.
Kofi: I don't know but he seems awesome so he must be a Kenny.
by KennyKing111 June 16, 2019
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An absolute fucking retard that only wears champion and is a scooter kid.
You're such a fucking Kenny damnit
by Aghhhhhhhhhhhh April 1, 2019
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