"I don't like your jerk-off name. I don't like your jerk-off face. I don't like your jerk-off behavior, and I don't like you, jerk-off. Do I make myself clear?"
by hello~ June 8, 2012
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a dance off involving the move the jerk

once the jerk has been done in the dance off it has officially become a jerk off...no backsies
"yo dude, tommy can dance"

"i know bro...he totally smoked those guys in a jerk off"
by spenzarrr September 3, 2009
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The act of Jerking somebody off... sexual

this one's for you Melissa!
Daniel jerked some guy off! (ewww)
by D January 16, 2005
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Jerk off!”
A phrase used to challenge someone in a dance battle that consists only of the jerk, a popular dance move originating in the 1960’s
Guys, jerk off!”
*starts jerking*
by FoxenBoxen March 8, 2022
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your ass hole ex boyfriend who left you for a whore and now talks shit about you
Michael is such a Jerk off, i can't believe he left Shelby for Julie.
by Nicole Mendoza December 4, 2006
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meaning to pull off too quickly, in some type of vehicle, i.e. golf cart.
"Don't jerk off!!!"
by LPGA pro May 18, 2009
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slam dunk fo sho man like a reel deel nooie pass that can really ram the jam and shink down the frizzle frazzles jimbo jango pingo salmando!
gimme that jerk off
by sirociper January 21, 2010
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