a girl who's esophagus is too small to chew food and she makes fun of short kids who get their shirt stuck on their braces.
Boy 1: Hey did you see Jane today?
Boy 2: Yeah! She was choking during lunch. She has plummer vinson
by slang_gang123 May 28, 2019
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Janes are usually autistic and a dumb ass hoe 😜, they Lowkey gay but thic. Janes are usually short for JANAL.
Bruh Jane a dumb ass
Hell yeah bro !
by Marvinn April 18, 2018
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Tht girl whos dating a malay boy named Amirul.
"Whats the name of tht Indian girl dating Amirul?"

"Oh thts her Jane"
by Miumiumiu April 11, 2018
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The most beautiful girl ever in the world, she will make your world, if you find one,keep her for your whole life, shes the best thing that would happened your life, has dark brown hair, dark brown i eyes, and the cutest face ever!!
Janely i love you
by Lololololololoo :v July 10, 2013
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A stunning lady whose beauty and strength radiate from the inside.

Naturally artistic and creative with a head full of dreams. A loyal friend and lover. Innovative and extremely intelligent.
Janelys is the name of an amazing woman.
by Kenja February 3, 2010
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A girl that is amazing in every way, she is as unique as her name.

You would instantly fall inlove with her.
Boy: OMG!

Girl: WHAT?
boy: she's amazing!
girl: who janelis?
boy: How did you know?
girl: You can tell.
by Hunny. November 21, 2009
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short term name for marijuana...people who smoke pot often love Jane's

the name of the most beautiful woman in the world, other woman were so jelous of Jane's that they made up a term for Jane's calling them plain because it rhymed and made them feel better about themselves cause they were not names jane and they are ugly.

janes are always the girls with the sense of humor in any group

jane's can also be that girl that had a crush on you in high school but you never dated, then she shows up at the reunion lookin all hot and successfull, then you kick your self in the ass for not being nicer to her because now she is hot and wont give you the time of day.

jane's are better then everyone, and are usually associated with class and wealth and beauty

the hot girl next door that you grew up next too is always named, or should always be named jane
guy: "that jane aint no plain"
girl: "dammit i wish my name was jane."

dude: "hey man light the jane and pass it"
other dude: "man do i love smokin the jane"
by highschool lover July 30, 2006
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