head, fellacio,oral sex from a woman
shorty gives the greatest harvard eva my dude!
by kingswearcrowns May 14, 2007
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where lil pump, ghostwriter for tupac, was supposed to go, until he decided to drop out and take his rap career more seriously. ESKEETIT
ayyo is lil pump i wus suposse go to harvard but i wanted to take my music more seriously
by toastedsloth October 25, 2017
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The Berkeley of the East.
Tyrone: Yo son, I'm going to Harvard.
Jamal: I knew you couldn't cut it at Berkeley.
by Jamal Clifford September 15, 2005
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Another PC name for that elitist school "hardvard" where that kid with a jew fro who owns facebook went to. Made famous by The Social Network (no one wanted to go/ had ever heard of Hardvard before that). Wishes it were in boston..and goes to friggin MIT, nerd-central, for all its parties.
-Hey kid, have u ever heard of Harvard?
-oh, dou you mean HARDVARD...yea, i watched the social network...they're all DICKS there.

see: penis, dicks
by lol smiley face(: December 3, 2010
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"Hey, whatever happened to the second smartest kid in our graduating class?"
"He ended up attending Harvard."
by shanetaylorwilson October 19, 2016
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Seven minutes later than real time. A comment on how classes at Harvard start 7 minutes after they are listed (example: at 10:07 instead of at 10:00) to allow time for students who must cross the campus from one class to another.
TF: Tim, you're late for section.
Tim: But it's only 4:02? Come on, what about Harvard Time?
by mash92587 October 15, 2006
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A super smart old person; probably a genius.
That guy reads 10 days a week, must be a Harvard Guy.
by Kira Bailey May 23, 2022
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