slang term for a bowl (a glass pipe used for smoking weed)
(at a music festival) "Hey, where'd that bowl vendor go, I need some new glass"
by pothead May 21, 2004
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transparent material often found in windows, refrigerated display cases for food and beverages, which, when it is used in a scene of a Steven Seagal movie, will cause a fight to occur and which will be shattered by human heads and bodies.
by Billy January 26, 2003
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Surf term for the inside of a perfect pipe. To get glass is to (while shooting a pipe) to run your hand through the back of the wave to distrub the almost completely undisturbed curl of wave.
Dude that pipe is total glass.
by Rickman69 March 4, 2005
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Glasses are an item you wear on your face, to help you see better.
I just got my glasses today, now i can finally see!
by swimld June 1, 2017
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Man to woman: "You have glasses. Use them."

As I heard it used, this remark was intended to be sarcastic, demeaning, or provocative, but I am unclear about whether it had sexual implications. It might mean something like "being able to see something in plain view ," or able to see something that is "right in front of your face." Or it might reference fellatio. I would like to know.
The word is glasses.
Or phrase : "Use glasses"
As in this phrase, (man to woman): "You have glasses. Use them."
by Maggie Fisher February 17, 2017
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Bob: I got new glasses!
Tom: You got smart?!
by Magik November 27, 2004
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Singular term for glasses. Glasses as in the glasses for eyes.
by andersonhas3000beans July 1, 2022
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