(n). Almost exclusively limited to the rich and/or famous, the farewell tour refers to the media circus that occurs when a celebrity passes away. Recent examples include Michael Jackson and Sen. Edward Kennedy. For the event to truly be considered a farewell tour, the corpse must lay in state somewhere for a short time, then be moved at least once, either to lay in state elsewhere or, ultimately to their viewing and/or funeral service. It is customary for large groups of mourners heretofore unknown by the deceased and family to flock to the stops along the way in an effort to catch a little "contact fame"...
Hey, Michael Jackson's in town for his farewell tour. That guy was HUGE! Wanna go pay our respects?
by pm1960 August 29, 2009
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When a waitress or waiter at an eating establishment (like an IHOP or Waffle House or Applebees) says goodbye to a customer..and tells them to come back soon aware (or unaware) of the fact that customer may never come back or at the very least probably won't come back soon. Ever.
"come back and see us soon sweetie!"
the words "come back and see us soon" are frequently used in a waitress farewell.
by BruceSpringssteam July 8, 2009
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The ultimate act of vengeance after being fired from a job. It involves taking a willing sexual partner to your former workplace for an after hours visit. The aim is to fuck on, and spread bodily fluids over, as many surfaces and objects as possible, particularly those of your boss and most hated colleagues.
Helen: ‘I heard you got canned from your job? You must be furious.’
Rachel: ‘Look, I was at first, but then Liam helped me give those cunts a top notch fluid farewell. Now when I’m feeling betrayed I just think of how I worked Jessica’s phone handset into my snatch and I instantly feel much better. I mean, she holds that thing up to her face!’
by likesecco March 30, 2020
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When you deploy overseas for the military, and your girlfriend fucks around while you're gone. So you eat nothing but sausage and sauerkraut for nine months, and then go shit on her driveway before ringing her doorbell and running away.
"Hey, Josh is back from Afghanistan. His girlfriend cheated on him while he was gone, so he gave her a Polish farewell when he got back. Fucking classic."
by Veebs December 7, 2017
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The Farewell Delight is when a girl puts nutella on your penis and begins to perform oral sex. This girl is usually very ok with taking it up the butt and has very abnormally shaped boobs/titties.
Hey, do you have any nutella?

Nah, I used it all up for my Farewell Delight last night.
by Farwell November 19, 2015
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The saddest thing to ever exist in a Pokémon game.

Sad ranking:

Rescue team: 10/10

Explorers: 11/10

Gates: 10/10

Super: 10/10

DX: 10/10
“Hey, have you seen-“

“Shut up, I’ve been crying about this PMD farewell for 36 hours.”
by Le Mesprit December 14, 2020
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