A kingdom of fans. Usually for a show, movie, celebrity, couple, etc.
The Fillie - Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown - FANDOM is so good at making edits.
by StrangerThingsLoover February 22, 2018
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A fandom is a group of people who stay together through thick in thin and don't put each other down and no matter what happens you stick together
1.the fandom is strong
by Annie fay August 8, 2017
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A horrible place where theres a list of the following
-Spoiler Police
-The cringe creators
-People who were forced in the fandom
-The 9 year olds who have no idea what anything means
Dont join one.
Person 1: I cant stop with these bad fandoms, what do i do?
Person 2: yOu cAnT sAy ThAt! iTs gOoD iN eVeRy sInGlE wAy!
Person 1: Thats a lie
by SaturnStorm November 8, 2020
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the state or condition of being a fan of someone or something.
"my 17 years of sports fandom"
the fans of a particular person, team, fictional series, etc., regarded collectively as a community or subculture.
"the Breaking Bad fandom"
by Ratchetqueen March 18, 2015
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In terms of any literary/visual media, be it TV show, movie, book, play, cartoon, or comic book. The characters, plots, and settings therein.
The X-men Fandom is made up by its original comic books and original cartoons as well as the new X-men:generation movies and cartoons.
by Dartxni November 25, 2003
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A mass amount of people who will shit on your stuff and force their stuff on you!
by Destiny-chan August 6, 2017
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1)The shit that ruins your life and makes you cringe so hard you turn inside out.

2)the crap that faggots make so they can jack off.
by Senoaifag69 March 8, 2019
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