“Oh my god jimmy, are you all of the cake I made for your father’s funeral! You’re such a disappointment
by Jimmy the disappointment January 27, 2020
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When your mom failed to get and abortion and you came out.
Mom: son you are such a disappointment to our family!
Mom: son you are such a disappointment to our family!
by BlazeCraftYT July 30, 2019
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A word to call your friends after every little mistake they make. It works for all situations! They got an F in maths? Disappointment! They're an orphan? Disappointment! They don't like ducks? Die in a hole.
"Fynn is such a disappointment! He didn't even try to come duck-wrangling with us this weekend!"

"Tamsyn! Those were MY ducks! Disappointment!"

"What do you mean you're not sexually attracted to ducks?! Disappointment!"
by Sevaquater August 1, 2018
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Son, you are a Disappointment to this family.
by BogManOnKampus November 30, 2018
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