The tendency to measure the cost of something in margaritas or another drink with a fixed, easy-to-remember price.
It'll cost your five less margaritas to fly to Orlando on the 8th than on the 9th.

Think about it in margarita currency. Think about all the margaritas you could buy instead of those slut shoes.
by hataraxia August 19, 2011
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Is a Zimbabwean slang term used for money which someone has obtained from selling their toes on the black market for cash.
Hey look he is driving a new Toyota GD6, he didn't have a car last week?.
"Nah he just got himself some Clip-Toe Currency"
by Uncle Zoezoe June 8, 2022
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A premium in game currency is obtainable only through buying it with real world currency, and its used mainly for exclusive content such as cosmetics
by Gaming guru August 11, 2018
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The currency issued by the Federal Reserve that is marked by being both fiat money and debt money. All American money issued by the federal government is Federal Reserve currency.
Federal Reserve currency is identified with "$USD".
by Jon Davis January 14, 2004
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The clean version of "Fuck Bitches, Get money".

1. a phrase or motto which describes ones primary agenda: to have sex with women and make as much money as possible.

2. a phrase or motto which describes a man's plan to earn money while cursing women, usually due to failure with a woman.
1. Life is simple. Disregard Females, Acquire Currency.

2. "Man, I couldn't get any pussy this weekend."

"It's all good man. Disregard Females, Acquire Currency"
by 05ProStock June 11, 2009
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