When a guy is unmistakenably good at flirting and is just very charming overall. He says the right things, touches you in the right way, etc.
"I heard he got in her pants on the first date."
"Damn! That boy really has The Charm."
by mlad420 October 8, 2009
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N. A person with, but not limited to, at least one physical feature disproportionately small compared to the rest of their body.

V. Charming - acting with no intelligent purpose, with the intent of irritating those around you
Yo, that dude with the peanut head, little arms, and chode fingers is a total charm!

Dude, you are charming so hard right now! Seriously, stop being a charm!
by Frankenstein the Zebra September 13, 2009
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(verb). The process of getting blitzed at a Thai restaurant that your friend bar tends at. This may include intoxication via your friend hooking up the dranks or even ordering your favourite type of fried rice.
Dude, lets get fucking charmed tonight
by $$$$$G-Money91$$$$ November 13, 2011
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A very wonderful show that consists of three main characters: Holly Marie Combs, Alyssa Milano, and Rose McGowan. Each sister has magical powers that are inherited from their ancestors. They use these powers to save people by killing demonic beings.
Did you watch Charmed this week?
Charmed is my favorite television show.
by charminglynne October 30, 2003
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A social-climbing, rich, snobish, "dignified," adult's way of politely insulting someone or something.
Fred: Muhahaha.
George: We would, but--
Fred: --we don't want to.
Ginny: SHUT UP!!
Lucius: Weasley, youre children are absolutely... charming.
Arthur: *grunt*
Fred: Hey!
George: Take that back!
by Parawhore #34 April 25, 2009
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used to express repulsion or disgust, sometimes started with ... and ended with a full stop for emphasis.
reatard: i just jizzed all over the table

normal dude: ...charming.
by resistance69 December 4, 2010
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a sexy beast who is totally not secretly a stripper
by sexysenpai123 November 19, 2014
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