The chair where clothes clean enough to wear tomorrow but too dirty to go back in the wardrobe go.
"I wore this top today and its a bit creased but I can just wear it tomorrow so I'll put it on the chair so I don't have to bother getting it out of the wardrobe."
by Ceejay44 August 25, 2017
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A utensil that assist the opposite of standing - sitting
A weaul is in close relation to a chaire
Historian: Chaire balls lmao weaul nugget
Explorer: ...sir please this is important
Historian: Chaire.
by bowgart consumer November 17, 2022
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fred: lets go sit on the couch
bob: nah.. chairs where its at.
by casablanca10 April 22, 2009
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a word used to describe a person in the room who has no purpose. this person is just there and doesn't matter
"Dude what are these two girls doing here. They're just a couple of chairs."
by isugirl February 27, 2014
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When you’re either very fucked up or super tired, to the point where you gotta take a seat
Chad: Did you see how much Brad drank last night?
Thad: Yeah, dude was chaired.
by VandyBoys August 21, 2019
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A word used in Ireland and some parts of Britain , is where a male would sit on a chair and the female would sit facing him with her two legs on separate sides and they would kiss for a long time ,the males hands would be grasping the females booty
Tom: How far did you go with Gloria last night?

Jack :She was chairing me for 5 minutes pal.
by Pablokeene89 February 15, 2018
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The electric chair, created by a dentists, it is now the most popular way of state execution in the united states.
Firing squad or the chair?
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 16, 2004
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