Wants to die, but people keep telling him no, not realising the burden his life is to him.
Bradley: I want to die

Others: no stop, please

Bradley (to self): If only they knew of the burden I carry
by uberwinsauce_ March 18, 2018
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Is a giant bear. The bear claws show when aggravated, but the heart is the warmest, safest place, that loves irrevocably provided you are allowed in and have earned it.

They have a piercing gaze; hawk-eyed and penetrating. Bradleys usually have a beautiful Irish blue as their colour. Their features are stunning, and you can't help but stare and appreciate a Bradley.
Bradleys tend to underestimate their abilities, but once they see their potential and true talent, they will show their pride and wear it. Bradleys are tough, inside and out. They will really show it when someone tries to prod at them in a disrespectful way, they always stick up for themselves and the ones they hold dearest to their hearts.

Bradleys are ALWAYS down to munch on food. They have a belly full of honey at all times. Being in a Bradleys arms.. is, well, the closest you will ever be to heaven. That is your heaven. That's your home. Your safety.
Bradleys also have a really nice dick. Goddamn, can they ever dick down good. Sometimes, they CAN be dicks, but usually to pester you until they have an excuse to spank you and fuck you.
On the note of making love, It's an experience beyond tantra. It's pure.
Bradleys tend to go on tirades they are most passionate about, but the thinf is when they do, you actually listen, because of their amazing oratory skills. People do and will be intimidated by his knowledge, talents, and creative input. That's their envy.

Did I mention Bradleys have nice dicks?
Girl 1: "well fuck my ass and call me Varg, there goes Bradley again making my knickers wet and my heart flutter.."

Girl 2: "That Bradley is a fucking dickhead! He doesn't agree with my views but I STILL want him to get me pregnant!"
by Daidipls June 20, 2019
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Bradley may seem like a nice, loving, outgoing, hardworking, intelligent & genuine guy at first, but as time passes, it’s not so great. Keep a Bradley for as long as you can, but not for too long, or things go bad. A Bradley can have multiple personality’s and can change very easily. A Bradley will show you love and support, but can get jealous and angry often, be careful if you’re with a Bradley. As long as you treat him right, he will treat you right. Bradley can become quite scary or creepy at times, but he doesn’t mean it deep down. Bradley’s usually have curly hair, a very deep voice and wonderful blue eyes, he is willing to do anything and everything for that special one, but tends to get obsessive over time. He can be amazing in a bed, but he isn’t the most trustworthy of people. Keep a bradley and treat him right for as long as you can, but not for too long! Look after and have respect for a Bradley.
Omg 😱This guy has a really big penis, i think i met a bradley!
by your boo x November 6, 2019
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I'm sorry i wasnt good enough for you but i hope you find someone else out their that is. I thought you loved me but i guess not...
Your amazing but sometimes Bradley thinks to much like a guy, and doesnt realize whats right infront of him
by your 'buddy' June 7, 2011
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The best boyfriend a girl could ask for. He will treat you like his world. He is an amazing kisser, a good hugger and a really beautiful girlfriend who is already so in love with him.
Damn I want a love like that Bradley
by Crazyhorsechicforyou September 4, 2017
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Big bollix of a man, usually found on the outskirts of clanabogan. Extremely fond of big feeds, even bigger shites and entering monagamous relationships. Can be recognised by his trademark rogue neck hair and unmistakably large fingers. Very useful when it comes to running wires from various pieces of electrical equipment through stud walls. Fast writer, even faster lover.
Is bradley goin steady again? Yeah, he tells me he's gonna marry this one...

What does bradley drive? An astra.
by sarsfield9000 October 18, 2011
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