to get told off
he gave me a right bollocking;
I git bollocked by the boss for being late
by heffer May 1, 2003
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v. Bollocking, when one is lectured, criticised or reprimanded. When one receives things Bollocking they have just been bollocked. Alternatively bollocked is used to describe a high state of inebriation.
"You're gonna get a bollocking my son"
"He just bollocked me!"
"I am completely bollocked"
by Lucy May 30, 2003
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(n.) A coarse British exclamation meaning balls; testicles; scrotum. It is often be used as an expletive in place of balls, damn, shit, crap, fuck, etc., but, oddly on occassion, also as a term of appraisal and even esteem.

(v.) A term meaning to screw something up; a fuck up. afail.

Also spelled "bollucks" usually by Americans.
Nigel: Manchester United is nothing without David Beckham.
Cyril: That's a load of bollocks!

Cyril: You know you danced with that girl with toilet paper stuck to your shoe?
Nigel: Bollocks!!

Nigel: Bar Keep! A round of pints, if you will. On me!
Cyril: Oy, Mate! You're the dog's bollocks!

Cyril: You want me to be your wingman at the club tonight?
Nigel: No. After the toilet paper incident, I don't want you bollocksing up my chances again, mate.
by Tenacious Faulker February 18, 2010
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1. n. testicle
2. v. The act of a fat person running in a lopsided manner
3. v. tell off
4. Bollocks adj. - not true, rubbish
1. "ouch he only gone twatted me in the bollocks guvn'or"
2. He was bollocking along at a fair old pace in an attempt to escape the rozzers.
3. Dr. Percy have the pupil a right bollocking for not handing in his work
4. "Thats plainy bollocks good sir!"
by Drazic March 2, 2004
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A harsh punishment for something you've done.
In the words of James May as his blimp flies into restricted airspace:

"I may be about to get a collosal aviation bollocking"
by Mike Hunt, York Hunt May 20, 2010
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Me:- "OK love, when your grandma and grand dad come around it would be really good if you jump up and down on the sofa shouting Bollocks. Can you do that?"

Mate's 2 year old daughter:-"Yes"

Ten minutes later, old folks arrive, little girl jumps on sofa:

Mate's 2 year old daughter:-"Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks Bollocks"

Mate's wife:-"Please leave my house"

Me:-"Oh bollocks"
by Fon March 22, 2005
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1. The best of something, in relation to other examples of the said thing (See also 'The dog's bollocks').

2. A total and utter lie.
1. Did you ever play that game 'Terranigma' on the SNES? It was the bollocks.

2. Never mind the bollocks, let's go on a drugs binge.
by elprza October 28, 2003
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