The biggest, most painful, and worst STD in the universe. Tormenting and expensive, the baby gives people a reason to check their condoms for holes.

In a woman, the first symptom of a baby is pregnancy.
In a man, it's a huge "MY LIFE IS FUCKED."
Wife: I'm pregnant! we're going to have a baby!

Husband: the worst STD of them all!? FUCK MY LIFE!
by sushisue January 10, 2010
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A term used to describe a burrito that is >= 2 earth pounds, or more generally, a Chipotle burrito
That baby I ate for lunch was fanTAStic!

"Baby! The other, other white meat! Baby! It's what's for dinner! Get in my Belly!!"
by MikeyD Mike December 9, 2008
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1. An infant under 18 months old; the product of unprotected sex; basically all a baby does is eat, sleep, cry, and poop. If you drop them on their head they turn out messed up.

2. An affectionate name that one might call their significant other; also a name often cried out during sex.

3. The name of several songs, most notably and most recently by Justin Bieber. It also happens to be the only song of his that doesn't cause me to change the station.
1. Since Jack and Jill are Catholic, and they don't believe in birth control, they have to explain to their parents why Jill's having a baby.

2. Oooohhh baby yes don't stop

3. Radio: Baby baby baby oooohh Baby baby baby noooo

Me: OMG kid hit puberty already!
by Dsdoak950695 March 27, 2010
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A needy useless blob of flesh
ugghhh this baby crys for everythiiing
by ahhyeeeaaaah(; July 18, 2011
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i fucking love when he calls me baby
by unknown8252 September 14, 2018
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Something that girls should not want. They suck the life, energy, sleep, money, time, and will to live out of you. Up to 75% of women face postpartum depression after birth, and I bet you would be depressed after experiencing getting ur coochie ripped up, saggy tummy, weight gain, having to watch a crying stinky baby 24/7 and having to pay thousands of dollar in hospital bills. Women make sure to take your birth control and men wear a fucking condom it’s not that hard.
GIRL? YOUR PREGNANT? Better get an abortion before you have to push an entire baby out of ur coochie and have it rip up to ur asshole.
by juicycoochie101 December 3, 2020
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