a tool that helps those with disability(s) to access spaces that they would be otherwise unable too.
I just got a screen reader! This accessibility tool is going to make life so much easier.
by Tapinix July 9, 2021
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Date when your girlfriend lets you fuck her. Also called D.O.A.
"Hey Tim, did you hear? Greg got the Date of Access yesterday with Heather!"
by SwifferWetJet February 7, 2008
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To cut the ends/tips of your pockets in your pants in order to have access to your cock. This affords you some access to your cock while in public, should you wish to masturbate. One needs only to put his hand(s) in his pocket(s) and reach in through the holes and jerk off or simply fondle oneself. This method is especially useful when one sees a sexy woman in public and does not wish to take a mental picture, right then and there, to masturbate to later. Instead, one can jerk off in this manner, right then and there, while looking at the woman in public.
Man, I saw that lady with the big tits at the store that you told me about. I was glad that I had access to the monster. My legs were all sticky after.
by R.U. Sirius July 31, 2008
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when certain areas of the body are easy to access
when a girl wears a skirt with a thong *cough* easy access to tht area *cough*
a guy wears jeans with a hole in the crotch *cough* easy access to tht area *cough*
by Nici_B May 1, 2007
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Jealousy of someone's wi-fi connectivity.

guy 1:did you know that there's a zillion uses for corn?
guy 2:*searches internet* actually closer to 2500 from adhesives to sparkplugs.
guy 1:you know your high speed internet is giving me access envy!
guy 2:*from the beach*dude,just get at%t
by Bhai-Saab April 21, 2009
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Being really drunk on cider (or other alcohol)
Sounds like access cyberspace.
To access ciderspace.

Last night we accessed ciderspace
by Stoolbend October 22, 2013
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