An explosive firework. Was sold in the United States until the Child Protection Act banned them in 1966 because of the large amount of injuries due to mishandling or stupidity. An M-80 is usually about 1-1/2" x 9/16" with the inside of the tube filled with flash powder. One M-80 can easily remove fingers or send particles into the eyes causing permanent blindness.
"Dude, did you see that M-80 go off? It blew apart that entire mailbox!"

"I know I don't have a hand anymore, I lit an M-80 in my hand and it just blew it clean off. I would give you the finger but I have none left."
by Jack the Anarchist April 6, 2006
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The span of time from 1980-1989 in which geeks and rock stars reigned and style was way out of wack.
Hey look another one of those 80's movies is on!
by dude-o-rama January 4, 2004
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expression used in place of "attractive females" to not sound pedophilic and awkward in public places such as shopping malls and stores
"Hey Kacy, did u see the code 80 in aisle 24?"

"Attention Home Depot associates, please check lumber run for code 80, thank you"
by MPTness July 27, 2009
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A girl who was very hot, 10 of 10, in the 1980s, but looking at pictures of her now she would be considered a 7 at best by today's standards - note 1. this terminology can be transferred to any other time period (50s, 60s, 70s, etc.) - note 2. the woman cannot exceed a 7 of 10 in hotness or the terminology is invalid.
Taylor: Man I expected the lead singer from Blondie to be way hotter than she is

Zack: yeah but you know she was sooo hot in the 80s

Taylor: total 80s 10
by TayHawk May 11, 2011
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Noun. When someone (usually a woman) is still hooked on the 1980s.

They still have frizzy hair, wear shoulder pads and listen to the likes of Rick Astley and Duran Duran.
Sheila is suffering from severe 80s syndrome. She still keeps calling Russia the Soviet Union.
by Public Enemy Number 42 May 3, 2008
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Your father's wisdom, based on the platitudes of conservative GOP politicians like Ronald Reagan. The belief that if you let the economy lie, it'll do just fine. Similarly, staunch social conservatism, which implies opposition to LGBT marraige, and legalizing weed and prostitution. In my opinion, economic conservatism is right in principle, but social conservatism gives the Republican party a terrible, terrible name.

Just remember, it's common to disagree with the generation that shapes you. It happens constantly; it's natural. In doing so, though, you gravitate a little more towards the generation that shaped the generation that shaped you. Which means, in a way, that the 2012 election is similar in a way to the election of 1972, where Richard Nixon, Republican conservative, was re-elected, and promptly cut remaining federal spending from vestiges of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society. This election is like that election in that the voters who are turning 18 were raised by the voters who were turning 18 then, and it is the youth who make a difference in the elections these days, because the Internet is full of them.

So disagree with your parents, and eschew traditional 80s wisdom. But recognize that when you get older, you may realize that it was right.

"Young Republicans have no heart. Old Democrats have no brain."
You: The rich have too much money! Let's tax them!

Dad: The government has to realize that if you pile tax after tax on the rich, they lose the ability to waste money on things they don't need. When they waste money on things they don't need, they revitalize everything else. Young liberals these days just get jealous that rich people can relax and blow money after a life of hard work.

You: Thanks for the 80s wisdom, dad.
by Generation X is boss September 6, 2011
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A small cylindrical explosive device containing potassium perchlorate and aluminum, used to make lots of noise or destroy small objects.
Here's an M-80, let's blow this shit up!!
by Everyzig2101 December 24, 2003
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