The date that comes after 12/11/12. Has no real significance in the way we live our lives.
Person 1: Do you know what the date is!?!?
Person 2: Wednesday?
Person 1: No! It's 12/12/12
Person 2: No, I'm pretty sure it's Wednesday.
by Skitzophrenic December 12, 2012
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Masturbating or ejaculating 12 times in 12 hours.
Dude, last night Bobby was challenged to the 12 in 12 challenge and he accepted! His dick's gonna fall off!!
by Tigs978 December 2, 2009
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The lighting schedule for growing marijuana indoors. 12 hours of sunlight/12 hours of complete/uninterupted darkness.
Just finished the veg cycle, now its time to change from 16/8 to 12/12 in order to determine the sex of my plant.
by amp9041 January 2, 2006
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a 12 for 12 is when you have sex for 12 hrs straight. A 12 for 12 can either go from 12 am to 12 pm or 12 pm to 12 am.
I met this girl and craziest thing we went 12 for 12 homie.
by WestCoastKing03 July 14, 2022
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This date will not come again in our life time and is very special. It is also 9 days before said end of the world so its not so lucky but if you wish hard enough it could save billions of people from sudden death
friend 1: omg its 12/12/12

friend 2: so what's so important

friend 1: this is never going to happen again

friend 2: oh okay
by Sierra Madison December 12, 2012
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