The Swedish word for end. It’s also a verb: sluta. The definitive form is slutet and and it has the article “ett.”
När kommer vi hitta ett slut på alt det här?
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Salt lake university of technology also known as SLUT!
Bro 1 where do you go to school? Bro 2 Ah I go to SLUT home of the jack ass! Bro1 dang that’s epic how do I apply? Bro 2 visit there website
by Definitions_by_me November 29, 2021
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zach is such a slut he slept with 33 girls.
by slay33 October 30, 2023
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A word that high school boys call girls when she has friendly conversations with multiple boys but is still in fact a virgin.
Friend 1: Omg! Look its Rebecca talking to Chris, Johnathan and Ricardo.
Friend 2: Omg, What a slut!
by thebitchhestoolightskinfor October 18, 2021
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not Brittany cause shes bloody fabulous xx
"oh look john, its Brittany"
"oh yeah! shes so not a horey slut"
"yeah shes fabulous"
by Brittany knows best February 13, 2014
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A creature who "gets around" very very quickly. It is always racing to the next big thing ;)
Wow she's a real ostridge slut! She's made it through everyone in town.
by Ostridge slut lover April 2, 2021
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