Politically correct term for the word "unemployed". Hey, it's not our fault!
(At Job Interview for Big Company)

So what have you been doing for the past year and a half?

Oh, well I was employment ignorant due to circumstances beyond my control, but it hasn't diminished my ability to give a shit at work whatsoever!
by cheesehead12332 May 22, 2011
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On May 26th, every guy or girl who has a girlfriend must ignore them the ENTIRE day, no matter what!
Josh hasn’t talked to his girlfriend all day even though she blew up his phone multiple times. Unfortunately for Josh’s girlfriend it is May 26th, which is “nation ignore your gf dayNational ignore your gf day means to not talk to your gf at all the entire day of May 26th
by FB Annie May 24, 2023
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None of her students fucking listen
Oct. 27
It is National Ignore Ms. Robson Day. Ms. Robson’s students don’t shut the hell up.
by ur mom 420696969696 October 27, 2021
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It’s a day where Xavier gets ignored
Xavier”are you ignoring me
Lucy “yes it’s national Ignore Xavier Day”
by BuffaloSauce June 25, 2023
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applying current morals and sociopolitical judgements to situations without considering historical or social context
when a kid says John Lennon is a racist because he wrote a song called “woman is the n word of the world” without recognizing the context and purpose of the vulgar lyric. It’s not that I’m not woke- it’s that you’re being progressively ignorant. (progressive ignorance)
by reneebanana December 23, 2021
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A person that regurgitates Main Stream Media Narratives as Factual without doing any sort of Independent Research into whether or not what the information they are regurgitating is Factual or Not.....
I told my Uncle who only ever watches CNN that he is an Ignorance Theorist after he told me their was absolutely no Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election even though I have seen surveillance video of Election Workers continuing to illegally count votes after they got everyone to leave the Vote Counting area in the middle of the Night......
by GetL0st December 7, 2020
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November is Ignore Boys Month. This is the month when girls ignore boys. They might not ignore them all the time, but the boys will know that they’re ignoring them a lot more. Watch out, boys!
“It’s ignore boys month! Fuck, man...”
These girls, man. Not good.”
by yaboifilip November 15, 2019
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