A shooter video game with many magical elements. The storyline typically is fantasy or surreal than realistic.
Wonky characters, Few metropolitan areas, Crazy attacks?
Yep this is a shooter & sorcery.
by fighhive November 5, 2011
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When a women gets into the piledriver position, and a shotglass is inserted into her pussy. A drink is poured into the shotglass, then someone puts his face into the women's crotch and uses their mouth only to grab the shot glass then shoots back the drink.
I drank shot, after shot of alcohol from my girlfriends piledriver shooters from her pussy while in the piledriver position.
by whtronin March 22, 2021
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After you jizz in her ass and she bends down to pick up her money off the night stand and blows your load back in your face.
Last night that hooker gave me the warmest brown shooter!
by Airignite October 23, 2017
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Kooter-Shooter, When a female soaks a Tampon in alcohol. Then shoves it in her Kooter to gain a very rapid Intoxication. But also passing any given breathalyzer test.
That Chick Is A Drinker Man, She Took a Kooter Shooter of 151 Bacardi.
by Valdemorts Hairy Vag January 29, 2016
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It happens to silent and quiet people when they encounter a situation and they get irritated inside.
John: she kept asking stupid questions in the meeting and I had this Mass shooter syndrome and couldnt tell her to shut up.
by Samooooooo July 27, 2023
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