An erection so hard that the slightest force applied will cause it to shatter.
Did you see Jenny last night? Pure glass erection.
by SenorSloth February 3, 2016
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The next erection you get after masturbating with fruit but don't clean off the juice, letting it dry up and then it looks/feels like the Hulk bursting out of his shirt.
"I was off yesterday, and with watermelon being on sale, I decided to give myself a Hulk erection and watch porn "
by Will DaBeast June 4, 2019
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The result a baked good has on the nether regions of a wide eyed, sweet toothed gentleman when he encounters a lovingly and carefully crafted baked good.
Did you see that display of deliciousness at the bakery?! It was like strolling through Brownie County in Pastry Paradise and walking right up to the Cookie Cathedral on Sweet Street. It totally gave me Confection Erection! And I don't care who knows it!
by gelatin.skelet0n January 10, 2019
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When your mental state has heightened to pure Euphoria, due to either extreme attraction or immense excitement
I know its only been six dates, but whenever I'm around her I'm emotionally erect.
by Cheeks1+ May 25, 2024
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When a normal sized man is having intercourse with a little woman doggy style, stands up and puts on a large pair of sweatpants while still inside her. He then leaves his house and goes for a walk with what appears to be a massive erection in his pants but is really just his fun sized partner going for a ride.
Did you see that guy on the street today? He either had a disease or a midget erection
by Kwaller11 October 25, 2017
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A law that is so stupid and profoundly inadequate but remains in existence because it gives lawmakers an erection when considering its monetary benefits. Erection law. Look for it in your textbooks.
Oh, you're a sociopath and want to act as your own defense in court? Sure! Erection Law!

Or basically all laws that involve a plea bargain that gives you an inadequate sentence to an intolerable offense. See: manslaughter.
by Raven kidder August 28, 2015
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A cause of death that can only happen to men that once suffered from some sort of erectile dysfunction but somehow was miraculously healed before death came calling.
"RIP Donald Trump" and all his staunch supporters that are not Republican Party members cry out when he is going out erect.
by Jewish madam August 8, 2018
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