A play on "Shoot your shot" when asking someone out, to "shat your shot" means you asked the person out, but you botched it with the result that you were rejected.
You "shat your shot" when you botch a proposal to ask someone on a date. For example, saying the wrong name.

:::Asking out Becky:::
"Hi! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies, Cindy."
You just shat your shot.
by The Languager October 28, 2023
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Shatting is the term used, when two or more people share something that is pure and utter “shit” and can also be associated with the idea of “chatting shit.”

Shatting is commonly used by “begs” and people with “no life
“Vanessa, i heard Stacy said your batty looks small” screamed Dave, “Stop shatting Charlie, your mums a hoe”
by Mr pilgrim October 29, 2019
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Another one of a sentence enhancers, as in hell, shit, fuck, and mofo etc.
Is also meant as humor.
1-She is sooooooo shat-a-nizzlit!
2-Hell yea biatch!
by South Parker December 15, 2004
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National shat day occurs on December 22nd. It’s one day of the year that Shat is formally recognized by her friends and is treated like royalty.
Shat day is the best day!

Let’s celebrate shat day by telling her how much we appreciate her!
by shedaddylol December 22, 2020
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shat battles is a game on roglocks thats inspired by slap battles (totally real ongod frfr)
Person 1: yo lets play some shat battles
Person 2: ok, open up roglocks and ill join you, bitch
by Catiko October 13, 2023
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the action of pooping when realizing there is no toilet paper left so one must jump or hop to another bathroom to finish whiping ones bum.
man!, im out of toilet paper....well i guess i need to jump-shat it.
by blah's February 9, 2011
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