a familiar resonable action.
Gabe: Dude, look at my shirt! I just had it made! Isn't it sweet?!

Sal: It's a picture of a german shepard head with paw prints down the side... pretty cool dude?

Gabe: Yea, I know! And it was only $45 dollars!!

Sal: You would. That's so commonical of you.
by harley boots November 21, 2010
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she is a lovely and kind hearted person who will always listen to you and help you out. she cares for you and looks out for you more than she does for herself<3
person- i really need someone to talk to :(
person 2- go talk to izzy commons she’ll help you and listen to you
by the person next to you :) February 7, 2022
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Verb- to be common-peopled is to go out with or date someone who is richer than you or from a more wealthy background than you. It is a reference to the Pulp song 'Common People' where Jarvis Cocker starts seeing a wealthy girl who wants to 'live like common people' and 'sleep with common people like you'.
She totally common-peopled me, her parents bought her a flat in Notting Hill.

Mate, you're gonna get common-peopled, she comes from Greece and studies sculpture at St Martins.
by beffjuckley November 1, 2021
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Verb- to be common-peopled is to go out with or date someone who is richer than you or from a more wealthy background than you. It is a reference to the Pulp song 'Common People' where Jarvis Cocker starts seeing a wealthy girl who wants to 'live like common people' and 'sleep with common people like you'.
She totally common-peopled me, her parents bought her a flat in Notting Hill.

Mate, you're gonna get common-peopled, she comes from Greece and studies sculpture at St Martins.
by beffjuckley November 1, 2021
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because the irony of the "Tragedy of the commons" is that humans (and our mental economics) are HUGELY stupid. sobig stupid.
by jek September 9, 2003
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When you tap that little help button at the bottom of the page, you get this.
1: tap the help button to get to the Common questions and support documentation
2: you know you want to
by The_Mad_Doctor August 20, 2023
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1. A thing that certain people consider "very scary" when used by one who's typing is all over the place, usually very poor grammar, capitalization, spelling, and more, then suddenly changes to the proper way of typing/writing.

2. Obviously learned in many of your English classes, assuming you didn't skip.

3. Very rare. Just rare. Like, "discovered yesterday and it was scary as fuck," rare.
"What? I simply decided to use common literature properly to do better with English. It's not like the world is ending." "YOUR TYPING NORMAL AND IT'S SCARY" "You're, not your. Your is ta-" "SHUT-"
by Discord's Personal Satan January 7, 2021
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