uh oh boner alert🙀
person1: omg look it’s Olivia!
person2: she looks fine today!
Person3: boner alert🙀
by SecretGyal May 1, 2023
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The act of finding out someone is going to steal copper wire. Uninstalled copper wire damages the electrical grid.
I've had 3 copper alerts this week. These fools think they can dismantle the whole city.
by silverseal September 17, 2011
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When you feel like you are about to throw up because of how ugly someone is.
Sarah: Hey!
Sam: Omg look. Matt is coming over...
Sarah: Ew, gag alert.
by Amanda the faggatron December 14, 2012
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CS:GO (very big esport yes I promise man) pro team very stronk players such as flowerboy, amir G and brexitboy420.
omg alertic are you fika me
by Kurre December 22, 2016
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A term given to anyone who tries too hard when no one else cares
Guy 1: Look at Chris way up in front
Guy 2: Effort Alert!!!!
by Gator12345Gator May 15, 2011
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