dildo, large dildo, maggie likes to use it, but its actually Finch's... ooo yea
wow, i cant fit general large in THAT hole!
by i love woodard November 11, 2003
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Ranks right in the middle of all the "ur (family member)" insults. Right after "ur dad lesbian" and one step below "ur granny tranny"
John: Ur dad lesbian
Gary: Ur Padre large gay

John: *spontaneously combusts, demon appears dragging John's soul into a fiery pit of eternal hell.*
Gary: *Becomes one with the heavens and the earth, equivalent to God*
by thiccranchdressingboi69 March 28, 2018
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When a fucking delicious homie with a 12-inch torturer penetrates your tight ass and makes you scream “holy shit i’m about to cum” keep in mind that you are not a large Pepe penetrator if your name is not either Connor or Felix.
Holy shit, I met this one dude and his large Pepe penetration was insane.
by Big Dick Penetrator September 10, 2018
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This “cockollie” is a Body part on Ollie h, it is her feet. Ollie h feet are long as fuck and make her trip up all the time. Ollie h’s cockollies are so long and smelly that she can pick her dirty nose with her long ass toes.
My large cockollie: Ewww it’s Ollie h, omg look at her cockollies that actually makes me sick run away before I #vomit
by L 2 savvy September 7, 2020
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A way to describe someone who is being irritating, offensive or all of the above.
Liam was a large shite as soon as he came out of the womb
by nadpad August 3, 2017
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The exact opposite of what you think it means. This is a disease that is common with females where they have hairy vaginal areas.
Joy has large penisidous!
by TheTaterBater March 18, 2015
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