As the little one dips her fries and what she thinks is ketchup she tries it and realizes that it's spicy so she calls it spicy ketchup
by Dezi November 5, 2023
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When an man is having sex and the woman he is fucking is a virgin and bleeds making him cum and t when he takes his dick out it looks like a hot dog with ketchup and mayo
Man me and Cindy made ketchup and mayo in her room
by XXXHOYHOY April 5, 2017
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a sex move only using a blow job, rubbing alcohol and dildo, the method is first placing alcohol into the uterus, then place in the dildo inside the uterus, while doing a blowjob with the bloody dick with the dildo inside, once it is bleeding, suck the dildo off the dick and spit it out, then suck the blood, it might be bitter but relax, its delicious and healthy
Bruh did you know that those two lovebirds did the Banana Ketchup
by Private Carl July 8, 2019
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A phase that refers to reving a car engine to maximum rpms, which causes the tachometer to be in the "red zone".

Most commonly associated with just gonna send it.
"Send it right to the ketchup Dave!"

"Started it up and just sent her right to the ketchup"

"We've found out that sending it right to the ketchup warms her up pretty fast"
by aD4RKW4R February 6, 2019
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A.K.A. Dill Pickle, he's the guy in the red hoodie at the track that sometimes has ketchup in his pockets. He's a menace to society and won't leave you alone. But sometimes he'll give you ketchup.
Girl 1: Did you see ketchup man today?
Girl2 :Yeah, and he said that he doesn't have ketchup :(
by that_monkee_girl April 14, 2022
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Right before a man ejaculates he sticks a needle down his urethra to make it bleed,thus turning his semen red.
Mitch was going hard till he felt the girl he was with was in need of the all mighty armstrong cannon V3,aka ketchup cannon.
by Revan El Canutilo March 10, 2018
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