adj. a sing-alongy song is easy enough for everyone to sing or hum along
Chief scout at a Scouts meeting:
- each patrol has to pick a song for today's campfire
- can we pick any song?
- yes, but make sure it's sing-alongy so everyone can catch on
by ana von hindenburg August 18, 2011
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derived from the word Cumjee "Singe" or "Singey" occurs when a female on her monthly cycle does not wash her pum it gives off a fishy smell and looks like a crust build up
"ewwww bruv she's bare singey!"
"Thats a SINGE!"
by hassjamm February 13, 2018
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Somebody addicted to the animated film, Sing. Featuring: Award Winning, Matthew Mcconaughey.
she’s such a sing addict!
by johnny the gorilla July 14, 2021
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An exaggeration that means "Everyone or everything you could possibly think about is here."
The battle was an all-singing, all-dancing, all-features-included multinational aerial showdown for the ages!
by Stupidly Sophisticated January 27, 2022
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