When the girl kicks the guy in the groin, cuz he has just Donkey Punched her. (Preferly wearing heels).
Once my boyfriend Donkey Punched me, I backwards horse kicked. backwards horse kick
by MotherPower December 10, 2013
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Planning an event or goal in reverse, starting with the completion, moving to the incremental steps one at a time up a timeline to set up a successful project.
I am "backwardsing" my day to get everything done on time.
by gypsy919 March 11, 2016
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During foreplay, when your Significant Other drops their pants and reveals they have naughty bits that do not match up with their presumed gender
“Last night, Macy pulled out her huge dick when we were about to get it out. She was backwardsing me!”
by November 21, 2022
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Used to insult people on how fucking stupid they are, but you cant swear because the teachers ass is grinding on you.
Tim: Hey man if you think about it logically, a dog is just a really tall giraffe.
Tom: I just have to ask........are you alright in the head? You absolute backwards triangle?
by bricktileflavouredsoda February 15, 2022
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Backwards Bumming is a sexual position which involves two people - one f which must be male Both participants kneel on the floor facing away from each other (bum to bum). The male (or one of the males) pushes his dick down and back through his leg - effectively pointing backwards. Both participants then move towards each other engaging in anal sex.
Are you alright there Pete? You look like you're in a bit of pain?
I am Doug. I twisted my ball sack last night when I was Backwards Bumming the wife!
by MaccieG July 9, 2021
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Someone who is so stupid that they can't do simple taks such as tying their laces.

Another way of saying retarded, mentally challenged and mentally impaired
Bob: Can you help me write me name
Bobby: Can't you do that own your own
Bobby:Are you fucky mentally backwards
by bigboy johnny April 30, 2019
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