National Change Your Lockscreen to Shannon Kennedy Day
- Today is January 13th, you know what that means...
- National Change Your Lockscreen to Shannon Kennedy Day!!! You have to change your lockscreen to our one and only queen, Shannon Kennedy.
by shannonkennedyluvr123 January 14, 2021
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“Hey babe it’s January 13th”
Oh shoot I’m on it”
by Sjjdbfbrjco January 14, 2021
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the perfect day to lose your virginity. Its a good start on the new year.
Lets go, remember better safe then sorry
You: I've lost my virginity
Friend: what since when?
You: yesterday
Friend: ouu I see. Ofc january 13th, Congratulations
by What about simbaaa October 14, 2019
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-Section 1. All employers are hereby required to pay all their employees receiving a basic salary of not more than P1,000 a month, regardless of the nature of their employment, a 13th-month pay not later than December 24 of every year.

-Sec. 2. Employers already paying their employees a 13th-month pay or its equivalent are not covered by this Decree.

-Sec. 3. This Decree shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 16th day of December 1975.
agent: Hey! did you already get youre 13th month pay??

agent2: hell fucking i didn't! im broke as hell this coming holiday... damn those fucking asshole Boss! screw them!
by REPS(name) December 14, 2009
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person1 : "happy bday"

person2: "wow I didn't know you remembered my bday being on 13th September!"

person1: "of course I would. I LIKE you."

(i actually have a crush born on this day but im way too shy to talk to him) -Author
by al_aa September 4, 2023
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