When you get a boner in middle school and you have to strategically get from one class to another without anyone noticing by using the cover of your Lisa Frank trapper keeper
I undercover cucumbered my way from Miss Cox’s Biology class to Miss Candy’s History class.
by HBC123 March 13, 2018
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Also known as UCF, this refers to a girl who takes the correct angles in social media pictures in order for you to never find out what she looks like upon first meeting.
I met this girl on Bumble but I really can't tell from the photo angles what she looks like... other than her face, I really just hope she's not a UCF (undercover fatty).
by sSupreme December 18, 2017
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A sex act consisting of hiding under the covers like a tent and riding someone.
"Dude, she was so freaky. She did the undercover wheelchair on me!"
by ZaitoUTAU January 2, 2018
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A spy show from about 2014 starring Zendaya. Focusing on a family of spies , The Coopers.
( Mason ) ‘ ‘ Did you watch KC Undercover? ‘ ‘
( Jake ) ‘ ‘ You watch that shit? ‘ ‘
( Mason ) ‘ ‘ You’re not my friend any more ‘ ‘

For all the KC Undercover fans out there
by WazzupMyDudes June 19, 2022
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A person of the working tier class that reports back or snitches to company supervisors in exchange for immunity to shortcomings they have committed.
Worker 1: “Hey man, you did the clean up last Friday?”
Worker 2: “Yeah dude, I had to do it with Chris because the boss man thought I forgot how to do it.” *Worker 2 raises eyebrows*
*Worker 2 has been doing his job impeccably for 2 years and does it so good he gets chill time to do whatever he wants once done a cleanup.*
Worker 1: *Laughs generously* “Awww, damn white boi, the man on to you!”
Worker 2: *Looks Worker 1 square in the eye with chin up looking humorous*
by A fly on da wall December 23, 2017
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a that is a hoe but she trys to get people to think that she is innocent.
That girl Derian sucked Rod's dick because she is such an undercover hoe.
by KayleeLollipop February 5, 2007
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