A very harsh word to use, but usually only an opinion anyway. I think someone that calls another person ugly is ugly themselves!
Boy:Oi u ugly bitch
Girl:Ur da ugly one fuck u!
by foff January 9, 2005
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A word someone uses to describe your face. Can be used to roast or embarrass someone in front of their lovers.
by Kermit’s Mom July 19, 2018
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When refering to a person, it generally means unattractive or unpleasant, either physically or mentally.

Whether a person is ugly or not, is really a matter of opinion. There is no set of characteristics that makes one person ugly.
Guy 1: Haha, your girlfriend is a size 12 and has a big nose. She's sooooooo ugly!
Guy 2: Haha. Your bitchy girlfriend just kicked a puppy. She's sooooooo ugly!
by Becks Grevau November 17, 2007
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A word used to describe the appearance of someone in a negative way.

The word "Ugly" is fake, and beauty is seen in the beholders eye. Everyone is beautiful in there own way.

Alot of insecure people call themselves ugly, and alot of bitches or assholes call other people ugly.
Chris: "ew that girl Claire is so ugly, No Wonder Why Nobody likes her."

Jonathan: "Ha ikr"

Kayla: "omg stfu, she spends hours putting on makeup just to please you judgy retards."
by an0nym0us10181018 June 3, 2015
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You >:)
Engineer: "You're ugly."
Sniper: "EUGH!"

(Engi starts dancing and clapping his hands between his legs)

Sniper: "heh!"

(Grabs engi and throws him into the abyss)

Mount Scout: "mhm"
Mount Soldier: "ooh!"
(Everything explodes)
by Suckmytoes_77 August 31, 2022
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