Totes   toht-z
1. wholly; entirely; completely.
2. Slang for totally

Originates out of Reed college in Portland, Oregon
I was totes tripping balls last night.
I totes banged your mom.
by Avoid_the_Noid September 16, 2010
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To agree with a statement.
-Did you agree with what that guy said about your mom?
by Bridget April 5, 2004
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short for totally, note that not all people can say this word, only the coolest people
Want to go to the mall later?
by MoistTowelette11 March 25, 2006
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An abbreviation for the word totally, when the speaker is too intoxicated and/or lazy add the last two syllables onto the word. Therefore, one gets 'totes.'
Also totes.
by FaceKate February 20, 2011
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"Hey did you hear about the concert next weekend? I totes wanna go to that!"
by mimict68 May 14, 2012
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Shortened form of totally, for those times when you just can't be bothered saying words longer than one syllable
Dude I'm tote tired I think I'm gonna go to bed
by katiefleetwood August 15, 2006
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