a sport in which you let out all your sexual tension through the art of grunting
while your with your girlfriend who doesnt wanna do it: lets go play tennis!
by tennisman2 December 18, 2008
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Carolyn plays tennis. It isn’t a sport
by Fuck12andShit March 12, 2019
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An amount of high quality marijuana but only 10 dollars worth. also known as a "ten bud". Most dealers won't sell these but if your close and or desprate they will. A very nice alternative to smoking low grade weed when you dont got much cash.
Cory:"Hey dude how much we got total?"
Ethan:"shit, only 12 bucks and i dont want a dime of schwag!"
Cory:"no, thats good! we can get a tenny from my dude"
by SkunkyBuds July 11, 2006
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The act of switching positions during sex at a rapid rate, only applies to homosexuals.
Example 1
John: Do you want to play tennis tonight?
Jack: Ya sure whay not, I could give and take some tonight.
John: Great, my house at 7

Example 2
John and Jack were playing tennis last night, and they were timeing it between switches.
by Ballungr3 February 20, 2017
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Tennis (sexual use): A term for casual sex between friends, used in Friends With Benefits. Implied to have no emotions attached, to just be simply and easy, like tennis. You go, you do the deed, you walk away.
by BrittBrittBritt August 29, 2014
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tennis is oral given to one of your friends planned out over a various amount of time. Tennis usually involves two people but could have more. Tennis is played with a Buddie or Buddy. before playing tennis some will send pictures of each other to one another.
Hey Buddy want to go play Tennis.

We played tennis all night yesterday.

by TennisBuddy April 29, 2009
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A sport and the act of giving oral sex to a partner usually called a Tennis buddy. Playing tennis is usually kept a secret and is planned out. Tennis can involve 2 or more people.
Hey want to go play Tennis.

I heard that Stina was playing Tennis with dylan.

Hey Tennis buddy lets go play.

that was a great game of tennis.
by TennisBuddy April 30, 2009
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