A politician that runs their mouth and nothing but crap spews from it.
by Fbjailbird84 December 6, 2020
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A prostitute, gigolo, or overly promiscuous person during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Person 1: It appears that your mom may be a ho.
Person 2: That sucks... What has brought you to that conclusion?
Person 1: Because to everyone but you, she is known as the super spreader!
by CatPenis69 January 4, 2021
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The utensil you use to spread bbq sauce on the meat. Is that an Oregon thing or a bonk thing
I used the smoosher spreader to spread the sauce on the chicken.
by Urban for life June 27, 2018
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twinkle twinkle little whore, close your legs they're not a door!

The technical name for a piece of training equipment found in gyms.

Used for stretching of and muscle tonuing of the hip abductor muscle or "twat"

Frequently used by fit older women; Milfs, and older women who wish they were fit; cougars.

*To females do not make eye contact while using this machine
"Bro look at that dime on the twat spreader, i think she isnt wearing panties..."

My two favorite things in this gym is the twat spreader and the yoga pants that sit in them, a thing of beauty to be admired by all.
by blooregardQkazoo March 7, 2014
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Sex act passed from one surgeon to another in a hospital operating room.
The unconscious patient may be involved as well.
Often times a rub spreader is called for when a rib spreader was the intended request.
Time for the rub spreader. No,no wait... what are you doing!? I said rib spreader! Dear god!!
by Fitzzzz February 19, 2019
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Person who ejaculates on the face and breast of many girls either at the same time of over a period of time. The key being to share the Spunk. Not all for one area or person. Not to be confused with Seed Spreader.
Justin is a great Spunk Spreader he covered me and my girlfriend and her sister from our foreheads to our belly buttons. Wow, I think I love him.
by Gearls October 28, 2008
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A whore who can't stop fucking, always female. I'm not joking she never stops
by Felix? It's me Acker March 23, 2021
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