1. My girlfriend always closes her eyes when I sizzle.
2. My girlfriend always screams when I sizzle.
3. That fucker tried to sizzle my ass!
by Col. Dr. April 24, 2006
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to kiss to your friend that just burned someone by waiting 5 seconds ad sayin "oooh sizzle!"
guy one-talk to the left hand cuz ur neva right!

kissup- ooh sizzle!
by omardapimp February 18, 2008
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A term used to describe the scrolling motion on an iPod.
I sizzled to slipknot on my iPod
by Liamjohn2004 August 5, 2008
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an advanced case of ZITS, both m and f
this is not simply a cosmetic problem - our zits have started SIZZLING
by battered blair May 18, 2005
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Similar to in the doghouse, it means someone is on your bad side or shit list
"My boss owes me two weeks back pay so that mofo is real hot on my sizzle plate."
by So Cal Jim February 6, 2009
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