Frutos es un lurker.
Frutos, you are a lurker!
by jaker October 7, 2003
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n. The guy who hangs out by the dumpster in the 7-11 parking lot. He doesn't really ever do anything; he just looks like he's about to. The Lurker has a well groomed molestache and still listens to Snow and Vanilla Ice. Also seen at NASCAR events.
Be careful dude, I saw The Lurker over there last week.
by LukeDuke December 24, 2004
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People who look at your myspace and dont leave comments, messages, pic comments, etc.
Rob:My Profile views just jumped from 14566 to 14589 in ten minutes!!
Fred:God damn lurkers!!
by Merritt July 8, 2006
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Someone who "lurks" around an Internet forum, only reading and never posting. "Lurking" is often the result of being too scared or lazy to register, and the term mostly applies to those who do not; however you do get the occasional member who doesn't post.
There are ALWAYS more lurkers than registered members.
by Atomik Spongeface June 16, 2008
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People who go on your stickam profile when your live and dont come into the chat.
Dave - "Oh shit look i got 10 lurkers"
John - "Imma cap them fewls with my aussie guns pew pew"
by Aaron Chapman October 17, 2007
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A lurker is someone who always just seems to be there, no matter where it is.

You always expect them to be there, because they pop up out of no where.

A lurker will often try and play it off as a joke when you confront them, but it's not a joke.
Anthony: That Jessica is such a lurker.
Trey: Yeah, she's always around.

Marcus: She just pops up unnoticed.

Antonio: Yeah, seriously!

Johnny: F-in Lurkin

Jessica: Hey guys!

Luke: Can you not lurk so much, Jessica?

Jessica: Oh luke! You're so funny!

Maddy and Davi: It's not funny
by cooolkids! June 12, 2009
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A turd that refuses to be flushed, hangs out just barely visible below the escape hatch
Dude, I pinched this massive loaf, but after flushing 3 times, I still noticed a lurker.
by Link, Inc. February 19, 2015
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