Hey, you've gotta pinch growing there! I see it!
by Kenny March 11, 2003
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a)In Chile, pinche is a flat wire hairpin with prongs that press close/together.
b)It is also used to describe the person one is flirting with.

"Tienes pinches para tomarte el pelo?"
(Do you have a clip to pull your hair back?)

"Necesito un pinche para el pelo"
(I need a Bobby Pin for my hair)

"Tengo un pinche en Santiago"
(I'm flirting with someone in Santiago)
by Beatriz November 9, 2005
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A term that means "fucking" when preceding a noun. Used by many dirty mexicans in football/soccer games worldwide to diss other teams who have no fucking idea that they are cursing at them.
whilst shaking hands after a tough win.........

Me: Good game...Good game

Mexican: Pinche puta (fucking bitch)

Me: You played well too
by HelenKeller's TWAT August 3, 2010
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Cuban slang for "work" or "the job". Derived from "La Pincha"...
Juan: "dude how's the pinch going?"
Ricky: "how do you think it f'n sucks been pinching since 8am!"
by manisero February 2, 2009
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The assistant to a cook often used to belittle someone.
trabaja de pinche en el restaurant
by Anonymous October 24, 2003
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The act of clinching ones ass cheeks around another mans dick. (Usually happens during gay sex.)
I heard that guy started pinching that group of guys at that party. He got beat up pretty bad.
by Assmaster47 March 17, 2017
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