a small, sand-colored person resembling a hobbit.
this hobbit lurks everywhere, and you should wave at him.
this can be used to scare your dumb friends.
Lauren: "omg, look its the hobbit!"
Melissa: "hey hobbit! everyone wave!"
Frank: "omg.. where's the hobbit? im scared."
Lauren: "the hobbit just told you to gtfo."
Frank: *cries*
by the hobbit's nut May 4, 2008
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An extremely short girl with blond hair also goes by Frodo. Cannot reach most things that are above 3 foot from the ground and often gets trampled on in town despite making silly noises as a warning that she's there.
Beth - That Rachael is such a Hobbit. we should call her Frodo
by AnnieInWonderland February 7, 2009
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a person with extreme or minor hair on thier
Omg Brian was so attractive untill he wore flip flops and I found out he was a hobbit
by rami chll November 11, 2008
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A young (usually immature) pot smoker who resides in the urban rain forests of British Columbia, Canada. Usually they reside in Vancouver. Typically they are anti establishment - anti anything really. They are normally unemployed and contribute nothing to the society in which they live except to spend time protesting to get more, more, more from the government. Spend more time lying around smoking pot. Typically they vote Green Party although not 100% sure why.
1.Hobbit dude, pass the joint.
2.Hobbit dude, get that job today? No dude, I slept in.
3.Dude, are you going to the 4:20 smoke-in? Sure, man. There'll be lots of other hobbits there.
by Ubique April 21, 2009
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A short, human-like creature. Apperantley, they are the gods of geeks everywhere. One is particular, is named Frodo. A hobbit who goes on a gaytastic quest to destroy a finger ring given to him by his molesting unvle, Gandalf. The ring lets you lurn invisible, which should have been used to spy on some dark-age sluts. Back to hobbits. hobbits have really hairy feet, often ridiculed on magazines such as MAD and the now dead CRACKED!
Geek: "What the hell? Why is Frodo's best friend, who is a hobbit, licking Frodo's feet? Oh no, I got the porno insted of the actual movie! I think I'll just watch a little longer....."
by Wasabimoto March 26, 2007
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a very mysterious creature who lacks height, b-balls skills, and has a hard time attarcting the opposite sex. A hobbit also has very hairy legs and feet. Most hobbits have anger issues which usually are dealt with by playin an extensive amount of video games. They have very large heads and small short bodies and arms. Hobbits are also characterized by there lack of friends, especially female friends because of hobbits tendencies to live by themselves or with a close homosexual lover. Most hobbits reside in certain valleys or hills
james is a hobbit because he is short, hairy, and loves screaming.
by tha awesomeness September 7, 2005
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a small person who is of annoyance
ann: he's so annoying
sara: yea and short
ann: he's such a hobbit
by lu13 August 21, 2010
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