To grossly exagerate a push/trip in a sport to draw a foul. Most common in basketball and soccer.
"Foul? Are you kidding me? That was a total flop! F***ing refs!"
by Kyoh January 29, 2008
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mooching friends hanging around your house
"You should've seen the flops in my house"

(from the song "get out" by sublime)
by pee are May 19, 2007
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A small flaccid penis that appears bigger than usual.
My mother commented on my flop earlier today saying: "your flop is looking good today"

&"I can see your flop through your sweatpants"
& "I'm gonna shove my flop up inside you as soon as I get home, prepare yourself"
by ProBro330 January 24, 2017
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“why are you doing that?”
“because i saw tom w doing it”
“dont copy him, tom is a walking flop”
by budussey February 12, 2022
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The act of being high on amphetamines. This includes jerky movements, picking, acting extreme, and tinkering with everything.
He is definitely going to flop tonight.
by Bacita Mae Jenkins January 16, 2018
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Drunk passed out on a subway station bench.
A sleeping lush, known as a "flop", attracts a hierarchy of scavengers. First come the top lush-workers, the only want cash, good rings and watches. Then come punks who will steal anything, they take the hat, shoes, belt. Finally, brazen, clumsy thieves will try to pull the lush's overcoat or jacket off him.
by brasswater July 9, 2013
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flip flops or as old people call them, thongs
Lauren-Check out these sweet flops!
Susie-Oh! Are they havhavianas?
by Reprah January 12, 2009
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