Economic Resource Planning.
"ERP is the way of the future!"
by LadyDictator December 17, 2021
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Short for Erotic roleplay. (In online chat-rooms)
Guy1: Dude, you should've seen how much I ERP (Online) her.
Guy2: It's basically just SRP...
by Teruko September 4, 2016
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a word used in place of an adjective between friends.
you erpin' out?
-yeah, im leaving

Nick, go erp me a snapple
-fine, ill get you one

Matt, would quit erpin around get your lab report in?
-Fine, ill just erp over to the T-Bird and go get it
by Johnny Razor January 9, 2007
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The sound receiving a Skype message makes.
You can tell she's typing to her friend on Skype instead of working, I can hear the "uw-erp" through her computer.
by Noulgies September 16, 2013
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Mixture of codeine and cough syrup that is served martini style with alcohol.
AKA- Syrup, Sizurp
"Get at me with some that Siz-erp!"

Reference- Three 6 Mafia's song (Sippin' on some syrup)
by C_Unit November 7, 2007
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It's what happens to you when you try to Boss, at the wrong time.
Ex. That fool's burnt.. He's gonna get lumped erps
by Steezy760 December 16, 2010
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1. (n.) a hot girl

2. (v.) to acknowledge a hot girl, usually when you are with your friends

3. (v.) to agree with someone's point or to like what they say
1. That girl walking by is such an erp.

2. (girl walks by) Erp!

3. Person 1: I really love playing sports!

Person 2: Erp!


Person 1: Hey, you want to go get some pizza?
Person 2: Erp
by Soreechay14 December 22, 2011
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