Honky-Ass Cracker is a name that racist African Americans use when referring to a white person whom they dislike. Derogatory in nature .
by Dr. Adam Caldwell February 27, 2016
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a white person who is acting in a strange, menacing, or otherwise deviant manner, especially if the person is following you, stalking you, or threatening you in any way.
By carrying a gun, calling the police, and following Trayvon Martin because Martin was a young black man in a predominantly white neighborhood, George Zimmerman was acting like a creepy-ass cracker.
by tokai July 9, 2013
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Someone with white skin and white

Also hitlers perfect soldier
Omg ur a white ass cracker you nazi bitch faggot stupid ass
by fjafdioajklafjlf September 22, 2023
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A statement that's made when something is intensely shocking that no other phrase can satisfy the gravity of the situation appropriately.
Jim: Holy Fucking Ass Crackers that dude just totally broke his hand using a shake weight!

Bob: That's what he gets for using a fucking shake weight.
by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 November 30, 2010
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Its mean your a fucking ass and can't do shit
So someone sitting down not doing anything and your like oh you fucking ass cracker
by Atalo June 7, 2017
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