Being very determined to do something, mostly out of spite.
This beeee-itch at Olive Garden had the ten ass titty to bring me and my lady 2 fucking breadsticks.
by Doc Killjoy November 7, 2018
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Fucking amazing. Defining anything from an object to a girl.
"You see that? That shits Baller Ass Titties!"

"James Gotlibowski is Baller Ass Titties."
by Jumbo G July 22, 2009
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brown-skinned, ghetto-living, chicken-eating, watermelon-loving (watermelon aka "Nigger Apple"), female with large, saucer-nipple breasts, vis-a-vie Kottonmouth Kings
Dropping my new biznatch's halter in the back of my brugandy six-four, I saw she had some fine-ass, big ol' brown ass titties!
by pfc. Snowball December 11, 2008
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