Somebody acting in a way that is likely to get them hit/insulted.
Can be used for anything is if it is not good.
"Don't be bait"
by Rich's Words Kill December 9, 2003
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Bate/. To savagley beat something or someone.

A term used by members of the travelling community.
"I'll bate te head o' ye jack buy."

"Tell Mary Threebellies I'll bate tem fuckin kids o' hers, I'll bate tem so help me god. And tell treebellies i'd bate her any day so i wuld."

"treebellies wont fight ye cus shes scared of the baten ud give her, de fat cunt that she is"
by tomo's young lad January 16, 2009
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Short term used for masterbation. Most women say its demeaning to masterbate but they secretly do it behind everyone's back quite literally.
Kristi: I saw this picture on myspace of Brad Arnold and I totally bated to it.
by munkeyman226 September 23, 2008
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An interjection used to express great joy. It most commonly used during pre-climaxes when masturbating. But, it is a great way to let the world know you are happy to be a man. It can be used as loudly, like the battle cry of a chronic chicken choker, or softly, like you would whisper to your nonexistent lover. One last use is when you know you are smarter than someone, but still feel challenged by them. You can gain the high ground by stroking your ego with a scream of BATE!
1. ugh, guh, mggh, ugh ugh guh, oogh, oo, ooooo, .... BATE!

2. Emmet: Dude, you just beat me in a battle of wits. It doesn't matter though, because I am cooler and get more chicks than you.
Ian: uh.... BATE!
by Felix Awesome October 24, 2009
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The art of luring pedophiles to contact you on instant messenger under the illusion that you are a 12 year old girl. Then you fuck with them as unmercifully as possible. (source: Doug Stanhope)
Bating is the perfect thing to do on a saturday night
by Champdelachamp November 17, 2006
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Noun. British public school slang. A state of anger or enragement. Derived from hawking terminology (hawking being the sport of training and flying raptors). See also the adjective 'batey'.
"I say, chaps, keep the noise down or Sir will get into a rare old bate."
by Kilkrazy July 1, 2004
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When somebody is being harsh, either as a joke or not
Dan: Tom, you have a massive nose.

Tom: Ah! That's bate on me!
by PotEd September 28, 2012
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