Trice: Hey, TTM.
Anik: What's TTM? You talk to much?
Trice: No, It means talk to me.
by Grandmasterx August 4, 2019
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The Time Machine. No, not a time machine, but the time machine, just that specific one. Can also be said as the TTM, even though thats practically saying the The Time Machine, which make no sense, but I don't care.
Person 1: "I used the TTM today to go to the future to get a hoverbike!"
Person 2: "Okay... good for you."
by PretzelStikz October 18, 2019
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Tryna Tell Me (Trying To Tell Me)
Used in conversation when someone wants an honest answer from someone else. Mostly used in texts.
Friend: ttm if the homework is due tomorrow
Other Friend: it's not due for a week

Boyfriend: ttm if I should get this car
Girlfriend: only if I can drive it ;)
by DSBeast99105 May 21, 2017
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Thinking to myself
TTM I should prolly get that shit done now and not later
by Ra1nstorm September 25, 2022
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