When a person's mind has evolved so far beyond other humans that they become almost hyper-intelligent In-Relation to other humans. Intelligence is, factually, ambiguous and can only be based on the one writing the intelligence test Intelligence measurements, or the Intelligence Quotient, can only be judged by Other Humans and their Relative intelligence as an "anatomically modern human," and in regard to the social consensus which places the limitations of their baseline intelligence factors.

So, a "Hyper-Sapien" is a Mentally Evolved human that is more significantly evolved than "normal" AMH's. Usually hyper-sapiens speak in ways that people can barely understand even though they are speaking perfect, fluent english. If You are a hyper-sapien, then you will probably be able to think and understand things much faster than others, be intelligent enough to outpace other "thinkers" well beyond your age, and almost never be understood by those around you and be forced to explain everything in excruciating detail for them to understand what you just said with any competency.

This does Not mean you speak well, are well educated, Nor are wealthy and successful. These are all Incidental to the realities of the world. Hyper-sapiens are able to interpret data and Think significantly beyond others, even if they don't recognize to what extent due to the mental limits of those around them often limiting their potential.
AMH: "How are you?"
Hyper-Sapien: "I am vexed and perturbed by the obstinate neglect the extremely-wealthy are exhibiting in their blatant ignorance of the realities of the world and it's deterioration from overproduction and their abundant toxic-waste productions Without appropriate sanction and regulation."
AMH: "What are you, a Hyper-Sapien or something?"
Hyper-Sapien: "I answered your question; what's the problem?"

AMH: "Did you hear about the meat-industry making laws about saying bad things about meat?"
H-S: "Yes, it is disturbing. Silencing people that talk about even Potentially tainted meat, even though most of the non-organic meat is pumped with hormones, fed huge amounts of cheap GMO food that is unable to be digested or absorbed by the animal, and are even sometimes fed their own dead brethren ground into mulch and often used as fertilizer."
AMH: "What? I just saw it on the news last night. They didn't say any of that."
H-S: "Oh. Yeah, it's bad and getting worse."
AMH: "Yeah it is! I don't know about any of that Hyper-Sapien stuff. lol"
by MCPKG December 17, 2019
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A modern day "Human" which is also a Homo Sapien which is a human being in which lives on
planet earth which is in the solar system, in the Milky Way galaxy which is in a cosmo,
that is in side a universe in which there could be multiple universes.

You know im dragging this out for humour, why are you still reading this?
Randy:"You see Sarah yesterday?"
Waldo:"Yea she didn't look like a Homo Sapien."
by Callthefeds February 20, 2018
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A professional panhandler or street beggar who is not suffering from any mental or other disability, but rather uses well thought begging strategies to earn a middle class living.
I used to give Bob the panhandler money. But, when we showed up at the same tenants' meeting, I realized he was a hobo sapiens.
by TGD360 January 6, 2008
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A adolescent who is in love with their reflection and needs to share a selfie because people might have forgotten their appearance. A modern day Narcissus .
" What are the social media sites that selfie-sapiens visit? "
by Ms.Potato May 14, 2016
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the term people with god complex's use to sound superior above everyone
let us test how the homo sapien responds to this
by Fagarian October 4, 2018
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When someone (Male & Female) is excessively being a thot and they turn into an alternative version of Homo Sapien which is a Thoto Sapien.
Pascoe: Dude Alex is still sucking dick!
Trav: Fuck shes such a Thoto Sapien.
by Dyleon February 8, 2018
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